Column shortcodes allow you to manage the content on your pages into different column widths. This allows for greater control over your layouts, and provides creative opportunities. Columns serve as a container to place other content inside of them. Use any of our other shortcodes inside of a column shortcode.

One Half – 1/2

Column shortcodes allow you to manage the content on your pages into different column widths. This allows for greater control over your layouts, and provides creative opportunities. Columns serve as a container to place other content inside of them. Use any of our other shortcodes inside of a column shortcode.

One Half – 1/2

Column shortcodes allow you to manage the content on your pages into different column widths. This allows for greater control over your layouts, and provides creative opportunities. Columns serve as a container to place other content inside of them. Use any of our other shortcodes inside of a column shortcode.

One Third – 1/3

Column shortcodes allow you to manage the content on your pages into different column widths. This allows for greater control over your layouts, and provides creative opportunities. Columns serve as a container to place other content inside of them. Use any of our other shortcodes inside of a column shortcode.

One Third – 1/3

Column shortcodes allow you to manage the content on your pages into different column widths. This allows for greater control over your layouts, and provides creative opportunities. Columns serve as a container to place other content inside of them. Use any of our other shortcodes inside of a column shortcode.

One Third – 1/3

Column shortcodes allow you to manage the content on your pages into different column widths. This allows for greater control over your layouts, and provides creative opportunities. Columns serve as a container to place other content inside of them. Use any of our other shortcodes inside of a column shortcode.

One Third – 1/3

Column shortcodes allow you to manage the content on your pages into different column widths. This allows for greater control over your layouts, and provides creative opportunities. Columns serve as a container to place other content inside of them. Use any of our other shortcodes inside of a column shortcode.

Two Third – 2/3

Column shortcodes allow you to manage the content on your pages into different column widths. This allows for greater control over your layouts, and provides creative opportunities. Columns serve as a container to place other content inside of them. Use any of our other shortcodes inside of a column shortcode.

One Fourth – 1/4

Column shortcodes allow you to manage the content on your pages into different column widths. This allows for greater control over your layouts, and provides creative opportunities. Columns serve as a container to place other content inside of them. Use any of our other shortcodes inside of a column shortcode.

One Fourth – 1/4

Column shortcodes allow you to manage the content on your pages into different column widths. This allows for greater control over your layouts, and provides creative opportunities. Columns serve as a container to place other content inside of them. Use any of our other shortcodes inside of a column shortcode.

One Fourth – 1/4

Column shortcodes allow you to manage the content on your pages into different column widths. This allows for greater control over your layouts, and provides creative opportunities. Columns serve as a container to place other content inside of them. Use any of our other shortcodes inside of a column shortcode.

One Fourth – 1/4

Column shortcodes allow you to manage the content on your pages into different column widths. This allows for greater control over your layouts, and provides creative opportunities. Columns serve as a container to place other content inside of them. Use any of our other shortcodes inside of a column shortcode.

One Fourth – 1/4

Column shortcodes allow you to manage the content on your pages into different column widths. This allows for greater control over your layouts, and provides creative opportunities.

Three Fourth – 3/4

Column shortcodes allow you to manage the content on your pages into different column widths. This allows for greater control over your layouts, and provides creative opportunities. Columns serve as a container to place other content inside of them. Use any of our other shortcodes inside of a column shortcode. Avada’s column shortcodes allow you to manage the content on your pages into different column widths. This allows for greater control over your layouts, and provides creative opportunities. Columns serve as a container to place other content inside of them. Use any of our other shortcodes inside of a column shortcode.

One Fifth – 1/5

Column shortcodes allow you to manage the content on your pages into different column widths. This allows for greater.

Four Fifth – 4/5

Column shortcodes allow you to manage the content on your pages into different column widths. This allows for greater control over your layouts, and provides creative opportunities. Columns serve as a container to place other content inside of them. Use any of our other shortcodes inside of a column shortcode. Avada’s column shortcodes allow you to manage the content on your pages into different column widths. This allows for greater control over your layouts, and provides creative opportunities. Columns serve as a container to place other content inside of them. Use any of our other shortcodes inside of a column shortcode.

One Fifth – 1/5

Column shortcodes allow you to manage the content on your pages into different column widths. This allows for greater control over your layouts, and provides creative opportunities.

One Fifth – 1/5

Column shortcodes allow you to manage the content on your pages into different column widths. This allows for greater control over your layouts, and provides creative opportunities.

One Fifth – 1/5

Column shortcodes allow you to manage the content on your pages into different column widths. This allows for greater control over your layouts, and provides creative opportunities.

One Fifth – 1/5

Column shortcodes allow you to manage the content on your pages into different column widths. This allows for greater control over your layouts, and provides creative opportunities.

One Fifth – 1/5

Column shortcodes allow you to manage the content on your pages into different column widths. This allows for greater control over your layouts, and provides creative opportunities.

One Sixth – 1/6

Column shortcodes allow you to manage the content.

Five Sixth – 5/6

Column shortcodes allow you to manage the content on your pages into different column widths. This allows for greater control over your layouts, and provides creative opportunities. Columns serve as a container to place other content inside of them. Use any of our other shortcodes inside of a column shortcode. Avada’s column shortcodes allow you to manage the content on your pages into different column widths. This allows for greater control over your layouts, and provides creative opportunities. Columns serve as a container to place other content inside of them. Use any of our other shortcodes inside of a column shortcode.

One Sixth – 1/6

Column shortcodes allow you to manage the content on your pages into different column widths. This allows for greater control over your layouts, and provides creative opportunities. Columns serve as a container to place other content inside of them.

One Sixth – 1/6

Column shortcodes allow you to manage the content on your pages into different column widths. This allows for greater control over your layouts, and provides creative opportunities. Columns serve as a container to place other content inside of them.

One Sixth – 1/6

Column shortcodes allow you to manage the content on your pages into different column widths. This allows for greater control over your layouts, and provides creative opportunities. Columns serve as a container to place other content inside of them.

One Sixth – 1/6

Column shortcodes allow you to manage the content on your pages into different column widths. This allows for greater control over your layouts, and provides creative opportunities. Columns serve as a container to place other content inside of them.

One Sixth – 1/6

Column shortcodes allow you to manage the content on your pages into different column widths. This allows for greater control over your layouts, and provides creative opportunities. Columns serve as a container to place other content inside of them.

One Sixth – 1/6

Column shortcodes allow you to manage the content on your pages into different column widths. This allows for greater control over your layouts, and provides creative opportunities. Columns serve as a container to place other content inside of them.

Complete Set of Options 

Every option and description included with the column shortcode is listed below.

  • Last Column = Choose if the column is last in a set. This has to be set to “Yes” for the last column in a set..
  • Column Spacing = Set to “No” to eliminate margin between columns.
  • Center Content Vertically = Only works with columns inside a full width container that is set to equal heights. Set to “Yes” to center the content vertically.
  • Hide on Mobile = Select “Yes” to hide column on mobile.
  • Background Color = Controls the background color.
  • Background Image = Upload an image to display in the background
  • Background Repeat = Choose how the background image repeats.
  • Background Position = Choose the postion of the background image.
  • Hover Type = Select the hover effect type. This will disable links and hover effects on elements inside the column.
  • Link URL = Add the URL the column will link to, ex: http://example.com. This will disable links on elements inside the column.
  • Border Position = Choose the position of the border.
  • Border Size = In pixels (px), ex: 1px.
  • Border Color = Controls the border color..
  • Border Style = Controls the border style.
  • Padding = In pixels (px), ex: 10px.
  • Margin Top = In pixels (px), ex: 1px.
  • Margin Bottom = In pixels (px), ex: 1px.
  • Animation Type = Select the type on animation to use on the shortcode
  • Direction of Animation = Select the incoming direction for the animation
  • Speed of Animation = Type in speed of animation in seconds (0.1 – 1)
  • Offset of Animation = Choose when the animation should start.
  • CSS Class = Add a class to the wrapping HTML element.
  • CSS ID = Add an ID to the wrapping HTML element.