Get a click on your AdWords Ad to make your ad stand out, try using one or more of ad extensions available in AdWords. Ad extensions let you include additional information about your business in your ads, such as a phone number or links to specific pages of your website.
You not have to pay anything to add extensions to your campaign or ad group, but will be charged as usual for clicks on your ad. You can use many types of extensions as desired: AdWords will select that display with each search query.
What extensions should use with your campaign or ad group? As with most of the decisions to be taken when using AdWords, everything depends on the objective pursued.
Choose the options that match the goals of your campaign or ad group.
I want people to call my company
To encourage telephone calls to your business, add call extensions on your ads. With call extensions, you can display a phone number with your ad and a call button where you can click when the ad appears on high-end mobile devices.
Prepared? Add a phone number to your ads with call extensions.
If your only advertising goal is to receive phone calls, you can create a campaign call only. Ads created in the call-only campaigns are optimized to show only on mobile devices that can make calls. Clicks on such ads only generate calls, do not link to a website.
Prepared? Create a call-only campaign.
More information on adding phone numbers to ads
I want you to specific pages of my site visit
Help customers to access specific pages of your website with ad extensions Sitelinks. You can add up to 20 links. AdWords will show between two and six of those links below the text (in addition to the main landing page) of your ad.

Sitelinks are only available with the types of campaign “Search with Display Select” and “Network only search”.
Prepared? Add sitelinks.
More information about ad extensions Sitelinks
I want people to come to my shop
To encourage people to visit your store or call the nearest branch, you can add location extensions in your ads. With location extensions, you can display local business information, such as address, phone number and a map marker in various formats on the Web Google Search on partner sites Network Search Google, Google Maps, and on mobile devices.

The cost of clicks location extensions is the same standard cost per click, and you can target your ads around your business addresses.
To use location extensions, you must first create a Google My Business account. It is a free service that stores the locations of your company to help customers find them on the Internet. Once you have linked your Google My Business account to AdWords, all your business addresses will be available to use in AdWords with any campaign or ad group Search Network or Display Network.
Prepared? Add a location extension (remember to first create an account with Google My Business).
More information about using location extensions with AdWords and Google My Business
I want to show more about what it offers my company in my ad
To add additional descriptive text beneath your ads from the Search Network to display more information on what it offers, you can try to use callouts. The callouts allow you to include detailed information about your company and its products and services (such as “free shipping” or “customer support 24 hours every day”).
These extensions are well suited for advertisers who want to provide more information to customers, but not necessarily other websites linked with that information. You not have to pay anything to add callouts to his campaign, but will be charged as usual for clicks on your ad. In the highlighted text should not repeat the content that already appears in the ad text. Otherwise, it will not appear.
You will need to create at least 2 callouts for each account, campaign or ad group for callout can appear on your ad. However, we recommend you create the maximum number available (4 per level) to ensure that it can be displayed as many callouts with the announcement. The order of callouts, its length and its performance are taken into account to determine the number of callouts that can appear and if prominently in the ad text will be displayed.